The benefits of using an air purifier in your Maryland home…

This is in addition to existing sources of indoor pollution such as cigarette smoke, cooking fumes and odors, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from household cleaning products, hair and dander.

With many people now spending more time indoors working, it has become extremely important to focus on the quality of the air we’re breathing and how we can create cleaner, healthier spaces at home. This is where air purifiers step in.

The experts at Beacon Lighting also know a thing or two about these devices and have great advice for those keen to know more.

Benefits of air purifiers

Air purifiers do what their name implies: they purify the air in your home with the help of filters that capture pollutants and release clean air into your home helping you breathe better, sleep better and feel better.

  1. Air purifiers can help remove invisible airborne particles such as pet dander, pollen, dust mites, fumes from household cleaners and air-freshening sprays, mould spores, etc. which can be triggers for asthma attacks.
  2. Air purifiers can neutralize unpleasant odors like burnt toast, cooking oil and spices making your space smell fresh and clean.
  3. Airborne diseases like the common cold and flu are very easily spread from a single unwell member to the rest of the family. Air purifiers can capture some of the bacteria and viruses that cause these diseases and help safeguard everyone’s health.
  4. If you live in an area prone to bushfires, an air purifier can help filter the smoke and smells in the event of a bushfire.
  5. Indoor allergens such as fungi, mould spores and dust mites can trigger respiratory allergies that make you sneeze or cough during the night disrupting your sleep. Air purifiers are designed to trap these allergens thereby helping you sleep better.

But do air purifiers really work?

Yes, an air purifier is built to filter out a huge range of airborne pollutants and allergens and release cleaner air back into your space. They might not get 100 per cent of the nasties but 99.95 per cent is certainly close.

Besides using air purifiers, it’s important to clean your floors, carpets and other surfaces regularly to minimize build-up of allergens and maintain a cleaner, healthier environment indoors.

Do air purifiers dry out the air?

No, as they’re not designed to remove humidity from the air. They capture airborne pollutants with their filters and use built-in fans to circulate clean air around the room. So the humidity levels of the air won’t change.

Do air purifiers help with mould?

Yes, air purifiers with HEPA filters can remove the microscopic mould spores floating around effectively. Air purifiers that have carbon filters can also neutralize mould odors. If you have an active mould growth on a wall or in your carpets, clean the area physically to stop it at its source. While you’re fixing the mould infestation, don’t forget to run your air purifier to trap all the loose spores released into the air.

More ways to improve the air quality in your home

To ensure that you and your family are breathing the best quality air, there are a few simple things you can do to supplement the work of your air purifier.

  • Reduce dust in your home by vacuuming carpets, mopping hard floors and wiping down surfaces.
  • Use exhaust fans in kitchens, laundries and bathrooms to extract stale, moist air, odors and smoke, and protect your home from mould, mildew and even structural rot.
  • Minimize the use of candles, incense or wood fires indoors. Opt for LED candles and electric heaters that don’t produce pollutants.